J-20 Fighter Jets Intercept Foreign Aircraft in Tandem Maneuver


Recently, CCTV revealed footage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) intercepting a foreign aircraft, showcasing two J-20 fighter jets carrying out a pincer move to intercept an unidentified foreign aircraft that approached its airspace. The J-20s, under command, issued a warning to the foreign aircraft, which then departed, completing the interception mission. This follows the recent disclosure of the J-20 hitting a target with a missile in just three seconds.

Reports suggest that this close-quarters interception has been a topic of discussion among military enthusiasts. Many argue that such missions should be undertaken by aircraft like the J-10 or J-16, whereas stealth fighters like the J-20 should engage in long-range targeting. Some believe that activating the fire control radar to lock onto the adversary would be more intimidating. However, according to an op-ed by “Baiyang Observation Room” in “Today’s News”, activating the radar essentially signifies readiness to engage in combat. This could escalate the situation if the alerted foreign aircraft chooses to counterattack, potentially leading to unforeseeable consequences.

The report also analyzed that the J-20’s decision not to activate its fire control radar was strategic to avoid greater conflict and to conceal its detailed parameters. Activating the radar sends out electromagnetic signals, alerting adversary aircraft to evade or counterattack. In essence, this would reveal the tactical intentions and battle plans, giving adversaries more time to respond.

The J-20, the first stealth fighter to be commissioned into the PLA Air Force, has been closely monitored. There are recent online speculations suggesting that the aircraft might have been equipped with two WS-15 engines, having completed its maiden flight. A leaked photo showcases a J-20 test aircraft with a red ribbon that reads “15”, possibly signifying this upgrade.

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