SA2 76mm self propelled antiaircraft gun of China unveiled

antiaircraft gun 1

A new type of self propelled antiaircraft gun from China is unveiled on the internet, this product seems to be exhibited for oversea sales, but it might also equip the PLA.

The new type might indicate that China has successfully developed SA2 type 76mm self propelled antiaircraft gun, and is now pushing it to the international market.

In the recent 9/3 V-Day Parade, China just displayed brand-new 35mm self propelled antiaircraft gun, but the new 76mm seems to indicate that China is accepting the concept for antiaircraft gun developed by Italy.

This new product is using the same as PJ26 type 76mm naval gun used by warships of China, which can fire 120 shells per minute, not very high but with powerful shells.

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